Wednesday, April 20, 2011

John B. Lippard, WWII Marine, EX POW

Some people are heroes for what they've done...some for who they are. John B. Lippard represents the best of both. Mr. Lippard is a kind, endearing man. At 90 years old, he still has a quick smile and jovial spirit. He is a father, husband, brother, grandfather, great-grandfather and walks a little slower these days.
If you crossed paths with him at the local retail store, you might not know that:

Bataan fell to the Japanese on April 9, 1942. Four days later Mr. Lippard turned 21 while stationed at Correigidor.
Correigidor fell on May 6, 1942. He was a prisoner of war for 42 months and has many stories of his captivity in the Pacific.
He and other prisoners were beaten so severely that they were unrecognizable. He survived the unimaginable with grace and dignity. After the war, he continued to serve in the military.
He escorted John Wayne to Correigidor in 1958.
He retired from the Marines, but..."Once a Marine, always a Marine."

Mr. Lippard is the first in this blog's series highlighting the lives of some of our veterans. His is a remarkable life.
Thank you Mr. Lippard for your service and your willingness to share your story. You are a true American Hero.

If you would like to see more of John Lippard's story, follow this link:

John Lippard Untitled Manuscript

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